pesanan pihak penaja : sekiranya anda mengesan sebarang pencemaran bunyi, PLEASE scroll down dan press the pa-us button. sekian harap maklum C:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


too much works!
my palms mengelupas dgn teruk sekali!
dh mcm sisik ikan emas dh ni hahaha.
wht to do yeh?

huh, here is some "thing" tht i've done during this "pengangguran" time hihi:


8hrs to done this!

ini, takes bout 6hrs woo

mengerjakan habis habisan dinding di rumah! HAHA
tak main lahh kan wall2 stickers ni, sndiri buat lah.
hasil titik peluh sendiri!
ape lg boleh buat, terlalu berjiwa seni :P


nooraiman said...

ape mksd sendiri bwat? ko lukis ke?

irarwww said...

yup. x kan laa ting pulak yg lukiskan haha

hewy said...

woaa lawa doe dinding tu! decorate bilik aku sekali ae :D

irarwww said...

time kasehh haha. prepare some cash babe!

hewy said...

haahaa tknk la, baik aku buat sendiri. lg lawa kot nnt ahha

Faz Zulkifli said...

lawa doe!
aku nak wat jugakla
gune kreativiti sendiri ea?
walamak best gle
gne cat bese and decorate ikot ske??