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Thursday, April 8, 2010

4 tags in a post

1st one, i received this award from syaf, tenks macik!
it was like 2 weeks ago. sorry. quite bz :P

so the terms and conditions are :
  1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
  2. pass this award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
  3. Contact the bloggers and let them know they've won the award.
  4. State 7 things about yourself.
i'll skip no 2 and 3 or else this entry will be too long just like d one yg psl spore tu :P

7 ThINGs bout myself :
1. sgt sgt suka kentang.
2. makan kentang, chipsmore and kit kat dr kecik
3. agak penakut (takut kucing takut gelap takut hantu)
4. dlu sgt sgt penakut (HANTU), tp skrg dh okay sikit dh. dh brani dh tgk cite hntu hehe
5. akan geli bila org pegang any parts of my body. i mean like blkg ke tengkuk ke. badan aku too much receptors kot hahaha
6. my face's skin terrrr-sgt lah sensitive. picit sikit, sure berbekas.
7. i am adorably single! LOL hahahaha

2nd tag daripada syaf jugaa :)

abt me
Spell ur name w/o vowels:
syhr shm
list fav colours:
pink purple gold silver kelabu taik itik :)
wht r u listening to?
nothing. my lappy's speaker pecah la. buat sakit telinge je dgr
r u happy with ur life now?
average. tak happy sgt, tak la down sgt. wht ever it is, saya bersyukur :)
wht is ur fav clss in school?
math's clss of course darlinggg
when do u strt back school/college?
in 2 months time mybe
are u outgoing?
fav pair of shoes?
kasut sekulaaa. seriously, kasut skula la satu satu nye kasut yg ble pakai x sakit kaki!
where do u wish u are right now?
UNIVERSAL STUDIOS SINGAPORE, right on the revenge of the mummies ride!
can u dance?
nari bodo bodo bole lah
can u tie a cherry stem with ur mouth?
x penah try
can u whistle?
yes i can :)
can u walk with ur toes curled?
err, mcm mne tuh? idts
do u believe there's life on other planets?
mybe, tak tahu la. no cmmnts :P
do u believe in miracles?
yes i do
do u believe in magics?
no i dont
do u believe in santa?
i only believe santa akan kasi gula gula on chrsmst day. not more than that
do u know how to swim?
yep! tp x pro lah
do u like roller coaster?
yeahhh, I LOVE IT! do u think u could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?
nooooo, byk sgt bnde aku tak makan. ini kan pulak yg pelik pelik
have u ever been on a plane?
have u ever asked someone out?
out for a date or wht? if for lepak, byk kali
have u ever been asked out by someone?
ade ade
have u ever been to d ocean?
msti lah penah aduiyaii
have u ever painted ur nails?
wht radio station do u listen to?
flying hot ( fly fm and hot fm ) :P
wht was the last restaurant u ate at?
wht was the last thing u bought?
sundae choc but err, it's not a thing. it's a food hehe.
wht was the last thing on tv u watched?
who's the last person u took a pictures of?
mia zulkarnain
who was the last person u said I LOVE YOU to?

3rd tag dr aidil tercintaaaa
1. Adakah anda rasa HOT?
oh tidak. perkataan hot hanya layak disandang oleh wan muhd nashrin hahahha

2. Upload wallpaper pc/laptop yang anda guna sekarang!

3. Cerita pasal gambar
itu gamba masa drama bi okay? i was the "cinderella". ye, cinderella celup! haha

4. Bila kali terakhir makan pizza?
pizza hut last 2 weeks kot

5. Lagu terakhir anda dengar
lagu from yuna. i dunno the tittle meh. die main main nyanyi je

6. Apa anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ni
tahan sakit kepala disebabkan i cried to hard petang td aishhh

7. Selain nama sendiri, anda di panggil nama apa?

8. Tag lagi 7 orang
sila rajinkan diri utk buat okay? (random order)
  • alep
  • faz
  • aiman
  • lily
  • izyan
  • lydia
  • syaf
9. Siapakah orang no.1 kepada anda
kembar lesung pipit titew :)

10. Katakan sesuatu kepada orang no.5
hello kamu, selamat hari jadi!

11. No.3 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
ehem ehem tong ting tong ting haha

12. Bagaimana pula dengan no.4
dulu ada. skrg kurang pasti

13. Pesanan kepada orang no.6
hai lydia, u buat apa? (seriously i tatau nk merepek apa hahaha )

14. Kata2 cinta untuk orang no.2
urghh fazly, aq suka kau! :P

15. Adakah no6. dan no.7 ada persamaan
tinggi dorg lebeh kurang kot. agaknye laaa

the last one, 4th tag (err, award) from lyidaaaa. thanks darling!

the rules:
1.Thank and link the person that give you the award
2.Pass this award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered.
3.Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award
4.State seven things about yourself.

so here, another
7 things bout me:
1. i love maths since primary.
2. straight hairs :)

3. anak last

4. saya pemalu ahax!

5. akan bercakap tanpa henti dgn org yg rapat. dgn org x rapat, harammm haha

6. berat sudah naik ber kg kg sejak habis spm
7. sgt senang menangis. haihh lemah betul!

15 ppl yg kene tag : haa,
korg sume termasuk dlm 15 org tu. buat je la :D


WanMohdNashrin said...

panjang sungguh .

ptot ar lme nk siap .

nme ak wan mohd nashrin ar .

thnks sbb kate ak hot .

hahha !

hewy said...

haha serius ayat utk nash tu paling best! hahah

Lydia Rashid said...

welcome :)

irarwww said...

nash : hahaha, tau pon. pnjg gile. err alaa asl ada bunyik nama ko, okay la tuh.

yan : hehe sje nk up kan sikit nash kan haha

lydia : =D

Lilylee said...

haha aku tak paham kalo kene tag nk buat ape? -__- *confused*

Faz Zulkifli said...

6. Apa anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ni
tahan sakit kepala disebabkan i cried too hard petang td aishhh

aku rse cam tau je ape yg terjadi X]
kalau betulla..ala..bende da lepas..aku lg r..x dpt pon..msk geng aku ea ;p

nash; tang mane part kau yg hot? haha

aq pon ske kau gak! haha

irarwww said...

lily : buat balik bnde mcm quiz ni. jawab. then ko tag org len. spe yg ko nk die jwb soklan2 tu :)

faz : hehhh, aq x kisah sgt pon. aq try x nk pk sgt psl bnde tu. tp org keliling asik ckp psl tu je. aq diam2 je mule2. mls nk org tau. sbb aq tau, ble org tau, buat aq lg frust kan. org tau nk cmmnt itu ini je, tp tatau ape jd kt aq sume. t'sangkut sama ada nk ikut kpale sndiri atau ikut ape prnts suroh haihhh.

wht ever it is, i'm proud with my own decision! tolong lah jgn nak pandai2 ckp, condemn org itu ini kalau tak tau situation sebenarnye mcm mne. aq mls lah nk melawan2 ckp ni. ape aq bole buat dh kan? senyum je la.

ahaa, aq pon blur tang mne nash ni "hot" :P

awww, xoxo faz! hehe

Lydia Rashid said...

your welcome ;)