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Monday, June 20, 2011

father's day

tahun ni celebrate awal sikit.
had a dinner on saturday at papa's fav restaurant - Cheng Ho
the chinese muslim restaurant own by Amy search.
it's like our 5th-6th time kot makan kat sana.
the food as usual - superb-ly delicious ;)

dorang ada like promotion for father's day.
dapat makan 7 jenis makanan dgn harga yg amat lah berpatutan.

hey! it's my 1st time trying the shark fin soup. and it's so yummy! ^^
makanan semuanya cukup2 saja. just nice omputih kata.
sadly, as we're like laparrrr gila, lupa pulak nak snap pics of the foods. :(
haha nampak makanan, sume lupa. dh habis makan br igt derrr.

gmba desert je aku sempat tangkap :P

how's ur father's day?

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